

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to modify the nose, most often for cosmetic reasons! It can be used to make the nose larger or smaller, reshape certain parts of it, narrow the nostrils or change the angle between the nose and upper lip. (It's) commonly known as a "nose job," rhinoplasty has been around since ancient times.

Transition phrase: That being said...
This surgery is performed by experienced plastic surgeons who will be able to precisely re-contour your nasal structure. After undergoing this operation, it can take up to one year for all swelling to fully subside and for the full effect of your new look to appear. However, recovery time varies from person-to-person depending on their individual condition. In general, patients can expect some mild soreness and swelling in the weeks following surgery but these usually dissipate over time.

Transistion phrase: On top of that...
Patients should recieve instructions from their doctor regarding how best to care for themselves after surgery. This includes avoiding strenuous activities like exercise and heavy lifting as well as abstaining from smoking or alcohol consumption while healing. It is also important to hydrate properly during recovery which helps reduce inflammation and accelerates healing speediness. Additionally, sleep with your head elevated so that fluid does not gather in your face while you rest!

Overall, rhinoplasty is a safe way to alter your facial appearance if you wish to do so! With proper care and precautions taken before and after surgery you should have no issues achieving your desired results with minimal downtime!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery procedure used to alter the shape and/or size of the nose.
Common reasons for getting rhinoplasty include correcting breathing problems, improving facial harmony, and reshaping the nose after an injury or trauma.
Rhinoplasty is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified surgeon who has experience with this procedure.