

A facelift (sometimes called a rhytidectomy) is a surgical procedure that can transform the appearance of a person's face. It is not for everyone, and it comes with risks! It involves making incisions in the scalp, and repositioning or removing underlying facial tissue, muscle and fat to tighten the skin. The goal is to create an overall younger-looking appearance by smoothing out wrinkles, improving contours, and reducing sagging of the face caused by age or gravity.

However, there are limitations to what a facelift can do. It cannot reverse all signs of aging; it does not change one’s fundamental features nor make someone appear significantly different from his/her natural self. Furthermore, even though some people may be tempted to opt for multiple facelifts over time in order to keep their youthful look intact, this practice should be avoided as it could potentially cause more harm than good!

In segue(ing), recovery time varies depending on an individual’s health conditions and lifestyle habits. Generally speaking however, patients should expect some degree of bruising and swelling of the face which usually subsides after two weeks or so. Normal activities such as driving can typically resume within five days post-surgery while strenuous exercises must wait until four to six weeks later.

Finally yet importantly, before going through with such an invasive procedure it is important to weigh up the pros and cons carefully—and consulting with a medical professional beforehand would certainly be recommended! After all, we want you looking your best but most crucially remaining safe at every stage of the process.


Frequently Asked Questions

A facelift is a type of plastic surgery procedure that involves removing excess skin and tightening underlying tissue to create a more youthful facial appearance.
Ideal candidates for a facelift are typically individuals who have sagging skin in the midface or jowls, as well as wrinkles and lines around the mouth and eyes.
Risks associated with a facelift may include infection, asymmetry, scarring, nerve damage, bleeding, swelling, poor healing of incisions, numbness or tingling sensations in treated areas, hair loss along the incision line, and adverse reaction to anesthesia.
Yes, it typically takes several weeks for swelling to go down after a facial lift procedure and most patients require several days of rest before they can return to their normal activities.
The results from your facelift should last anywhere from 5-10 years depending on individual factors such as age and lifestyle habits (i.e., sun exposure).