Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augment(ation) is a surgical procedure which has been increasing in popularity over the last few years. It involves adding implants to create larger, fuller breasts. It can also be used to restore lost volume due to pregnancy and nursing! The surgery usually takes around two hours and requires a general anesthetic, so it's important to consider all the risks carefully before embarking on this process.

However, for many women breast augmentation can be life-changing! As well as leading to greater self-confidence, it can also improve physical proportions and symmetry. In addition, there are other benefits such as improved posture or clothing fit. (It's worth noting that some of these improvements may not be immediately noticeable.)

On the flip side, there are potential risks associated with any kind of surgery. This includes bleeding, infection and scarring – although these should be minimal if you choose a reputable surgeon. Longer term issues include implant rupture or changes in sensation in your nipples or breasts.

But don't let this put you off! Overall breast augmentation is a safe procedure when undertaken by an experienced professional. Make sure you do plenty of research beforehand so you know what to expect and how best to prepare for the surgery itself - including taking time off work(!). With that being said, if it's something you're considering then go ahead and speak with your doctor about the possibilities – after all it could just transform your life!


Frequently Asked Questions

Breast augmentation is a type of plastic surgery that involves surgically inserting implants into the breasts to increase their size.
Risks associated with breast augmentation surgery include infection, implant rupture, bleeding or hematoma, scarring, changes in sensation in the nipples and skin around the breasts, and asymmetry.
The average lifespan of a breast implant is 10 years. However, some may need to be replaced sooner depending on factors such as age, lifestyle habits, and care.